
Learning ABCTM is a simple process.

In fact a single weekend will give most attendees enough insight and skill to get well under way.

Everyone starts with the ABCTM Basic Stream 1 Seminar. You’ll learn the why, when and how of all ABC adjustments. It’s a very hands-on weekend. You’ll get to practice every manoeuvre, under supervision, multiple times.

After implementing your new skills in your office, the next step is to do a refresher the stream 2 seminar. A refresher with a difference. On your return, you’ll be part of the break-out ‘Meningeal Release’ group to learn the deep, dynamic spinal stretches that enhance and complete the ABCTM protocol.

A full-body protocol that allows you to significantly impact posture and function from the very first visit

Make rapid, lasting and powerful changes to the Nervous System

Wow your patient with results they can see and feel

How to educate your patients on reducing the effects of prolonged sitting and poor sleeping ergonomics

Wishing to take your ABCTM to the next level? Advanced Seminars unpack a deeper level of understanding and technical excellence. Prerequisites apply.

2024 ABC™ Seminars

All event times are displayed based on Europe/London timezone.
What you will learn… Learn a full-body protocol that allows you to significantly impact posture and function from the very first visit Learn how to make rapid, lasting and powerful changes to the Nervous System…
Sat, 09 Nov - 10 Nov
confirmation_number Starting £295.00
2 Offers Available
What you will learn… Learn a full-body protocol that allows you to significantly impact posture and function from the very first visit Learn how to make rapid, lasting and powerful changes to the Nervous System…
Sat, 15 Feb - 16 Feb
confirmation_number Starting £295.00
2 Offers Available
What you will learn… Learn a full-body protocol that allows you to significantly impact posture and function from the very first visit Learn how to make rapid, lasting and powerful changes to the Nervous System…
Sat, 12 Apr - 13 Apr
confirmation_number Starting £295.00
2 Offers Available
Only go to certified ABCTM practitioners on this list. We get complaints on occasion that ABCTM does not do what I promise. These complaints are routed to me.
When tracing down who the practitioners are, I find a few common things with the practitioners. Often they are people who took one ABC™ seminar long ago and are now doing… who knows what, but it is not ABC™. There are also people who do not follow the ABC™ directions because they think something else will work better. Some of them are practitioners who never took the course or seminar and are saying they are doing ABC™ when they are not.
We at ABC™ International can only assure the quality of certified practitioners. Others claiming to be doing ABC™ are just plain lying to you. Many people say that is harsh and I should soften the statement. However, it is just lying if they say they are doing ABC™ and are not. I am known for being both truthful and direct so I see no need to soften the statement and allow others to ruin the reputation of ABC™ in this way.
Practitioners who do not continue their training have shown by actual physical experience to have their ABC™ skills deteriorate with time, so please do not go to a practitioner who is not certified even if they say they are an ABC™ practitioner.
People from all over the world hear me say this and show up here in my office to get ABC™ from me and find their issues quickly disappear because I, and the practitioners who maintain their certification (and the ongoing training that is required), perform correct ABC™ protocol.
Additionally, you need to ask the practitioner to do straight ABC™ for you and not to mix other modalities with it. This is the only way that you will know if ABC™ is working. And if you are not getting the results I promise you will not be able to determine the reason.
if you have any questions about the type of provider you are seeing or searching for please feel free to ask us at